Doctor Mozzi
Covid-19 and viral diseases – Prevention and treatment
Doctor Mozzi’s food advice in case of illness, flu epidemics or pandemics.
Nutrition is little considered as a means of prevention, much less as a remedy for any disease, including winter diseases. It is my profound conviction that nutrition is the best and main tool for maintaining good health and preventing disease. To keep our defenses in optimal condition and not debilitate them, it is essential to introduce foods in tune with our blood group and with our genetic characteristics. If we get sick, and especially if it happens in winter, diet is essential for recovery.
This book is only available in Italian
In this new book, Dr. Mozzi provides suggestions and instructions to keep in mind in case of illness, flu epidemics or pandemics, especially during the cold season. In these situations it is essential to strictly follow a diet according to one’s own immune characteristics so as to face any viral attacks. The text provides food indications, therapies and natural remedies for each blood group that has proven effective in the prevention and treatment of winter diseases and Covid-19.
In this moment of confusion for the thousands and more information that are affecting our lives, this book guides us with useful advice in everyday life without panicking but with awareness.
Il giardino dei libri
“To avoid health problems in winter, it is possible, starting in autumn, to improve nutrition, physical activity and breathing. Proper prevention allows you to keep your immune defenses active, to create your own personal protection and to resort to external aids, such as drugs and vaccines, only if our body is constantly debilitated”.