
Doctor Mozzi
You can heal

Doctor Martino Mozzi
Phytotherapy for blood groups

Doctor Mozzi
Dr. Mozzi’s diet – Blood types and food combinations

Doctor Mozzi
Doctor Mozzi’s recipes vol. 2 – Gluten free bread and…

Doctor Mozzi
Doctor Mozzi’s recipes – Tasty and gluten-free recipes for the blood type diet

Silvia Simonetti
Blood type diet for rebellious mothers – Tricks, advices, stories and 40 recipes to feed the whole family

Doctor Mozzi
Covid-19 and viral diseases – Prevention and treatment

Silvia Simonetti
My mum’s special cuisine – How to wean your baby according to his blood type in 58 easy gluten-free and dairy-free recipes

Doctor Pietro Mozzi with Doctor Martino Mozzi
Doctor Mozzi’s new diet – 10th anniversary edition